Battles in the Mind provides a unique insight into the human spirit, the beauty oftrials and tribulations and the subsequent emergence of a positive self. In thebook, author Anna Chandy, the chair of the Live, Love, Laugh Foundationalong with actress Deepika Padukone, shares her deeply moving personal storysprinkled with highs and lows and how she found a way out of it. She alsoshares techniques of transactional analysis and how mental health issues canbe dealt with to bring about a difference in people's lives. Battles in the Mind is abook about hope and a way to transition from pain to happiness and success.
Battles in the Mind provides a unique insight into the human spirit, the beauty oftrials and tribulations and the subsequent emergence of a positive self. In thebook, author Anna Chandy, the chair of the Live, Love, Laugh Foundationalong with actress Deepika Padukone, shares her deeply moving personal storysprinkled with highs and lows and how she found a way out of it. She alsoshares techniques of transactional analysis and how mental health issues canbe dealt with to bring about a difference in people's lives. Battles in the Mind is abook about hope and a way to transition from pain to happiness and success.
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