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9789350297858 60b9fd4ac68d923c8974899e India at the Global High Table: The Quest for Regional Primacy andStrategic Autonomy

In this insightful and integrated analysis former US ambassadors Teresita Schaffer and Howard Schaffer examine how India is managing its evolving role on the world stage. They focus particularly on the country's strategic vision and foreign policy and the negotiating behavior that links the two.

The book weaves together four concepts - India's exceptionalism; its non-alignment and drive for 'strategic autonomy' its determination to maintain regional primacy; and more recently its surging economy - to explore where the country stands today. With a specific focus on negotiating practices India at the Global High Table provides a unique comprehensive understanding of an emerging international power player and the choices it will face negotiating its strategic autonomy with its desire to find partners in a fast-evolving world.

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India at the Global High Table: The Quest for Regional Primacy andStrategic Autonomy

ISBN: 9789350297858
₹599   (20% OFF)

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  • ISBN: 9789350297858
  • Author: Schaffer T.C./Schaffer H.B.
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Pages: 384
  • Format: Paperback

Book Description

In this insightful and integrated analysis former US ambassadors Teresita Schaffer and Howard Schaffer examine how India is managing its evolving role on the world stage. They focus particularly on the country's strategic vision and foreign policy and the negotiating behavior that links the two.

The book weaves together four concepts - India's exceptionalism; its non-alignment and drive for 'strategic autonomy' its determination to maintain regional primacy; and more recently its surging economy - to explore where the country stands today. With a specific focus on negotiating practices India at the Global High Table provides a unique comprehensive understanding of an emerging international power player and the choices it will face negotiating its strategic autonomy with its desire to find partners in a fast-evolving world.

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