Ray had it all worked out. Go to India take care of his father and return to his life in San Jose. His father would follow him in a couple of months and that would be that. But his father dies and Ray attributes it to bad luck. Things take a bizarre turn when an old friend tells him the reason behind his father's death. Ray finds himself drawn into the seedy under-belly of Tamil films and up against a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Should Ray go back to his meticulously constructed life in the US? Or should he throw all plans aside and take on the man responsible for breaking into his father's heart and stealing his mind?
Jump Cut is a genre-defying page-turner that is at once funny moving and suspenseful all leading to a deliciously satisfying climax with a sting in its tail.
9789351160380Ray had it all worked out. Go to India take care of his father and return to his life in San Jose. His father would follow him in a couple of months and that would be that. But his father dies and Ray attributes it to bad luck. Things take a bizarre turn when an old friend tells him the reason behind his father's death. Ray finds himself drawn into the seedy under-belly of Tamil films and up against a man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
Should Ray go back to his meticulously constructed life in the US? Or should he throw all plans aside and take on the man responsible for breaking into his father's heart and stealing his mind?
Jump Cut is a genre-defying page-turner that is at once funny moving and suspenseful all leading to a deliciously satisfying climax with a sting in its tail.
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