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9789353028473 60b9ff51e21c223c3ea76eb7 Belief and Beyond: Adventures in Consciousness from the Upanishads toModern Times Belief and Beyond delves into the realm of the mystic -- Adi Sankara Allama Prabhu Kabir Nagarjuna Gaudapada Akka Mahadevi Lalleshwari Anandamayi Ma Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Sri Aurobindo Ramana Maharshi Nisargadatta Maharaj Jiddu Krishnamurti U.G. Krishnamurti and the Buddha -- bringing to life their spiritual quests and the philosophical messages they left behind for humanity. The book explores the search for the non-dual state of being -- sahaja sthithi or the natural state -- which is not in the realm of experience at all but a state of being where the borders and boundaries of the divided self have been transcended. The author also weaves in narratives from many difficult-to-access texts including the Upanishads the Ashtavakra Gita and the Avadhuta Gita. Written with depth and simplicity this book is for the seeker and the curious alike. 9789353028473
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Belief and Beyond: Adventures in Consciousness from the Upanishads toModern Times

ISBN: 9789353028473
₹499   (20% OFF)

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  • ISBN: 9789353028473
  • Author: Rao Mukunda
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Pages: 360
  • Format: Paperback

Book Description

Belief and Beyond delves into the realm of the mystic -- Adi Sankara Allama Prabhu Kabir Nagarjuna Gaudapada Akka Mahadevi Lalleshwari Anandamayi Ma Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Sri Aurobindo Ramana Maharshi Nisargadatta Maharaj Jiddu Krishnamurti U.G. Krishnamurti and the Buddha -- bringing to life their spiritual quests and the philosophical messages they left behind for humanity. The book explores the search for the non-dual state of being -- sahaja sthithi or the natural state -- which is not in the realm of experience at all but a state of being where the borders and boundaries of the divided self have been transcended. The author also weaves in narratives from many difficult-to-access texts including the Upanishads the Ashtavakra Gita and the Avadhuta Gita. Written with depth and simplicity this book is for the seeker and the curious alike.

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