Massive armies of the Mughal empire and the allied kingdoms have been unleashed to crush the Maratha warrior who is about to set a dangerous precedent. What will happen when two of the biggest enemies in the history of Hindustan come face to face?
Aurangzeb has ascended to the throne in the North, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. His aim is to conquer the kingdoms of the Deccan and expand the great Mughal empire to include hitherto uncharted, rebellious territories. Unforgiving and relentless, he unleashes his violent rage against anyone who tries to tame his ambition.
Raja Shivaji, a jagirdar from the hills of western Deccan, dreams of Swaraj and has raised his sword against all those who stand between him and his goal. He wins and conquers, escapes death traps through masterful strategy, unrivalled courage and intelligence to become a force to reckon with-a thorn in Aurangzeb's flesh.
Theirs is a battle of wit and might-one in which neither will give up.
Frontiers, a historical saga, brings to life the complex and ever-shifting dynamics between these two arch nemeses.
Massive armies of the Mughal empire and the allied kingdoms have been unleashed to crush the Maratha warrior who is about to set a dangerous precedent. What will happen when two of the biggest enemies in the history of Hindustan come face to face?
Aurangzeb has ascended to the throne in the North, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. His aim is to conquer the kingdoms of the Deccan and expand the great Mughal empire to include hitherto uncharted, rebellious territories. Unforgiving and relentless, he unleashes his violent rage against anyone who tries to tame his ambition.
Raja Shivaji, a jagirdar from the hills of western Deccan, dreams of Swaraj and has raised his sword against all those who stand between him and his goal. He wins and conquers, escapes death traps through masterful strategy, unrivalled courage and intelligence to become a force to reckon with-a thorn in Aurangzeb's flesh.
Theirs is a battle of wit and might-one in which neither will give up.
Frontiers, a historical saga, brings to life the complex and ever-shifting dynamics between these two arch nemeses.
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