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9789350295465 60b9fe59c68d923c8974d4f5 Muslims In Indian Cities : Trajectories Of Marginalisation

'[This] substantial volume at once illuminates empirical conditions and tests theories about ghettoization integration and the political attitudes of India's urban Muslims' - Sunil Khilnani 'Christophe Jaffrelot's range of scholarship is amazing and his new book ... co-edited with Laurent Gayer illustrates well his wide-ranging interests. The contributions are instructive and insightful and cover a much-neglected theme in contemporary South Asia' - Mushirul Hasan Numbering more than 150 million Muslims constitute the largest minority in India yet suffer the most politically and socio-economically. Forced to contend with severe and persistent prejudice India's Muslims are often targets of violence. In India's cities these developments find contrasting expressions. While the quality of Muslim life may lag behind that of Hindus nationally local and inclusive cultures have been resilient in the south and the east. In the Hindi belt and in the north Muslims have known less peace especially in the riot-prone areas of Ahmedabad Mumbai Jaipur and Aligarh and in the capitals of former Muslim states - Delhi Hyderabad Bhopal and Lucknow. These cities are rife with Muslim ghettos and slums. However self-segregation has also played a part in forming Muslim enclaves such as in Delhi and Aligarh where traditional elites and a new Muslim middle class have regrouped for physical and cultural protection. Combining first-hand testimony with sound critical analysis this volume follows urban Muslim life in eleven Indian cities providing uncommon insight into a litde-known subject of immense importance and consequence.

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Muslims In Indian Cities : Trajectories Of Marginalisation

ISBN: 9789350295465
₹599   (20% OFF)

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  • ISBN: 9789350295465
  • Author: Jaffrelot Christophe / Gayer Laurent
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Pages: 416
  • Format: Paperback

Book Description

'[This] substantial volume at once illuminates empirical conditions and tests theories about ghettoization integration and the political attitudes of India's urban Muslims' - Sunil Khilnani 'Christophe Jaffrelot's range of scholarship is amazing and his new book ... co-edited with Laurent Gayer illustrates well his wide-ranging interests. The contributions are instructive and insightful and cover a much-neglected theme in contemporary South Asia' - Mushirul Hasan Numbering more than 150 million Muslims constitute the largest minority in India yet suffer the most politically and socio-economically. Forced to contend with severe and persistent prejudice India's Muslims are often targets of violence. In India's cities these developments find contrasting expressions. While the quality of Muslim life may lag behind that of Hindus nationally local and inclusive cultures have been resilient in the south and the east. In the Hindi belt and in the north Muslims have known less peace especially in the riot-prone areas of Ahmedabad Mumbai Jaipur and Aligarh and in the capitals of former Muslim states - Delhi Hyderabad Bhopal and Lucknow. These cities are rife with Muslim ghettos and slums. However self-segregation has also played a part in forming Muslim enclaves such as in Delhi and Aligarh where traditional elites and a new Muslim middle class have regrouped for physical and cultural protection. Combining first-hand testimony with sound critical analysis this volume follows urban Muslim life in eleven Indian cities providing uncommon insight into a litde-known subject of immense importance and consequence.

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