Pink is for girls Blue is for boys
Girls play house Boys play cricket
Cry like a girl Kick like a boy
Sometimes grown-ups can say silly things that just aren't true--not for all kids anyway!
This book is an attempt by a mum to start a conversation with her little one about gender stereotypes. It encourages kids to question these notions before they begin to shape their thinking and offers adults an opportunity to initiate this very necessary discussion.
9780143442554Pink is for girls Blue is for boys
Girls play house Boys play cricket
Cry like a girl Kick like a boy
Sometimes grown-ups can say silly things that just aren't true--not for all kids anyway!
This book is an attempt by a mum to start a conversation with her little one about gender stereotypes. It encourages kids to question these notions before they begin to shape their thinking and offers adults an opportunity to initiate this very necessary discussion.
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