Shop No.20, Aurobindo Palace Market, Hauz Khas, Near Church +91 9818282497 | 011 26867121 110016 New Delhi IN
Midland The Book Shop ™ Shop No.20, Aurobindo Palace Market, Hauz Khas, Near Church +91 9818282497 | 011 26867121 New Delhi, IN
+919871604786" [email protected] 9789351364887 60b9faca0b651d3c1d6d7f46 Post-Baby Bounce Spring back to shape after having a baby
Namita Jain a wellness specialist with over twenty-five years of experience reveals within these pages the real reasons behind post-pregnancy weight gain. She gives a tested and proven exercise and diet regimen that is best suited to your recuperating body.
Step-by-step exercises that will boost your energy levels as well as give you a flatter stomach including illustrations that will help you get the posture and technique right.
The healthiest breastfeeding positions along with a diet chart that takes care of your special vitamin and mineral needs during this period.
Tips on how to fight post-partum blues and deal with numerous problems like sleep deprivation sore breasts backaches and dry skin.
Advice on how to listen to your body for cues which tell you when you are overdoing things for rest is as important as a workout.
Tailored to fit into the hectic routines of a new mother this guide to post-pregnancy weight loss will soon have you feeling--and looking--better than ever!
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