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9789351160939 60b9fdfdc68d923c8974bb9f Self-Deception: India's China Policies

A must-read for our times. A must for strengthening the country. On what assumptions was Pandit Nehru confident that China would not invade India in 1962? Why and on what basis did he scotch all warnings in Tibet and our entire border? What did he do when those assumptions proved wrong? What eventually led to the debacle of 1962? Are the same delusions and mistakes not being repeated now? Why will the consequences be any different? This is a devastating analysis and warning on India's policy and approach regarding China based on Nehru's notes to his officers his correspondence including letters to chief ministers and his speeches in and out of Parliament.

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Self-Deception: India's China Policies

ISBN: 9789351160939
₹699   (20% OFF)

  • ISBN: 9789351160939
  • Author: Shourie Arun
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Pages: 408
  • Format: Paperback

Book Description

A must-read for our times. A must for strengthening the country. On what assumptions was Pandit Nehru confident that China would not invade India in 1962? Why and on what basis did he scotch all warnings in Tibet and our entire border? What did he do when those assumptions proved wrong? What eventually led to the debacle of 1962? Are the same delusions and mistakes not being repeated now? Why will the consequences be any different? This is a devastating analysis and warning on India's policy and approach regarding China based on Nehru's notes to his officers his correspondence including letters to chief ministers and his speeches in and out of Parliament.

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