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9789350291627 60ba33e0fcf8181fbd60cccd Gift In Green An eco-spiritual search for light and life in a world inching towards dystopia Gift in Green written originally in Malayalam is a tantalizingly unconventional narrative that explores on multiple levels the pain and poetry that eventuate from the disruption of the intimate relationship between a people and their life-world using water (the 'water-life' of the people of Aathi) as the overarching metaphor that mirrors the degradation of the society. Between the polarities of attachment and abandonment darkness and light predatory progress and the sheer will to survive unfolds the saga of a people confronted by the behemoth of progress driven by Kumaranwho seeks to abandon water-life threatening its very existence. But such is the author's faith in the resilience of life and nature and her belief in the futility of trying to control something as fluid and eternal as water-life that what promises to be the end is also the hope of a new beginning. This is the first instance in Indian literary history of a novel in a regional language being translated and published concurrently in English. 9789350291627
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Gift In Green

ISBN: 9789350291627
₹499   (20% OFF)

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  • ISBN: 9789350291627
  • Author: Joseph Sarah
  • Publisher: HarperCollins
  • Pages: 384
  • Format: Paperback

Book Description

An eco-spiritual search for light and life in a world inching towards dystopia Gift in Green written originally in Malayalam is a tantalizingly unconventional narrative that explores on multiple levels the pain and poetry that eventuate from the disruption of the intimate relationship between a people and their life-world using water (the 'water-life' of the people of Aathi) as the overarching metaphor that mirrors the degradation of the society. Between the polarities of attachment and abandonment darkness and light predatory progress and the sheer will to survive unfolds the saga of a people confronted by the behemoth of progress driven by Kumaranwho seeks to abandon water-life threatening its very existence. But such is the author's faith in the resilience of life and nature and her belief in the futility of trying to control something as fluid and eternal as water-life that what promises to be the end is also the hope of a new beginning. This is the first instance in Indian literary history of a novel in a regional language being translated and published concurrently in English.

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