About the Book: India Unlimited: Reclaiming The Lost Glory
India used to contribute approximately a quarter of the worlds GDP until 1700 CE. As recently as 1820, this share was a hefty 16 per cent. But the Industrial Revolution shifted the centre of gravity of the global economy towards the West. The pernicious, indeed exploitative, policies of the British added to this shift by greatly impoverishing India.
Indias own policies during the first four decades following Independence denied it a rapid return to prosperity. But now that it has left those policies behind, opened up its economy and created a large GDP base, India can aspire to return to the prominent position it enjoyed in the global economy for so long. In The New India: A Reformers Guide, one of the countrys foremost economists, Arvind Panagariya, sets out a detailed pathway for India to regain its lost glory.
SKU-TUASMA3D4AICAbout the Book: India Unlimited: Reclaiming The Lost Glory
India used to contribute approximately a quarter of the worlds GDP until 1700 CE. As recently as 1820, this share was a hefty 16 per cent. But the Industrial Revolution shifted the centre of gravity of the global economy towards the West. The pernicious, indeed exploitative, policies of the British added to this shift by greatly impoverishing India.
Indias own policies during the first four decades following Independence denied it a rapid return to prosperity. But now that it has left those policies behind, opened up its economy and created a large GDP base, India can aspire to return to the prominent position it enjoyed in the global economy for so long. In The New India: A Reformers Guide, one of the countrys foremost economists, Arvind Panagariya, sets out a detailed pathway for India to regain its lost glory.
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