Nita Ambani launched the Indian Super League, on the lines of FIFA, to boost football in India
Sudha Murty gave her savings to her husband, Narayana Murthy, to help start Infosys
Naina Lal Kidwai was the first Indian woman to graduate from Harvard Business School
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw started Biocon with a seed capital of Rs10,000
At the age of sixteen, Sania Mirza became the youngest and the first Indian woman to win a Grand Slam
These are some snippets from She Walks, She Leads which profiles twenty-six iconic women in modern India. These leaders tell their stories, up close and personal. Their relentless ambition to shatter the glass ceiling, their pursuit for excellence and the challenges that came their way - all of this is captured vividly in this exclusive anthology. Each chapter is based on extensive research and has never-seen-before photographs of these luminaries. The chapters are followed by interviews with their companions and close confidants who have seen them grow over the years. The women leaders profiled in the book come from different fields like banking, media, cinema, sports, fashion, philanthropy and industry.
9780670088850Nita Ambani launched the Indian Super League, on the lines of FIFA, to boost football in India
Sudha Murty gave her savings to her husband, Narayana Murthy, to help start Infosys
Naina Lal Kidwai was the first Indian woman to graduate from Harvard Business School
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw started Biocon with a seed capital of Rs10,000
At the age of sixteen, Sania Mirza became the youngest and the first Indian woman to win a Grand Slam
These are some snippets from She Walks, She Leads which profiles twenty-six iconic women in modern India. These leaders tell their stories, up close and personal. Their relentless ambition to shatter the glass ceiling, their pursuit for excellence and the challenges that came their way - all of this is captured vividly in this exclusive anthology. Each chapter is based on extensive research and has never-seen-before photographs of these luminaries. The chapters are followed by interviews with their companions and close confidants who have seen them grow over the years. The women leaders profiled in the book come from different fields like banking, media, cinema, sports, fashion, philanthropy and industry.
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